Microsoft Xiaomi Become Office Mates

Microsoft Xiaomi Become Office Mates

Microsoft announced at sea intention to sell one, 500 patents for XIAOMI China-based mobile technology, to reach an agreement to expand the access of both companies to new markets.

Microsoft, XIAOMI became chums workplace
Workplace applications that Microsoft can gain a stronger position in China, while it may be smart phones XIAOMI global presence stronger.

It agreed to send XIAOMI workplace Microsoft and Skype on smartphones and tablets man, that the measure of the square among the leading brands in China and Asian countries also in various global markets needs.

Hug the Palestinian Legislative Council, and sell applications

Business applications from Microsoft - along with Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook - and loaded on Skype can be back on the robot XIAOMI Mai five Oh Max, my 4S, and redmi redmi Note and three September.

The agreement is based on the nursing relationship between the companies that give Windows ten on my pillow service and Microsoft's Azure My Cloud. XIAOMI, approved in 2010 by Lei Jun, is large enough to become one of the leading mobile phone manufacturers in the world. Asian markets rise rapidly swelling such as India, which recently launched redmi note three.

XIAOMI became the fifth-largest mobile phone manufacturer company in the world during the fourth quarter of 2015, with shipments of 18.2 million, or 4.6 P.c market, according to IDC.

Global growth

XIAOMI wants patents global growth outside of China, this might be a good break," Ryan Reith himself, Group Vice President Program Huntsman mobile device IDC. "It would seem to not solve all their problems, however, you need to be quietly shopping for patents so for some time now, so, my guess is they are getting a good position."

Weeks agreement occurs only when fired XIAOMI initial product in the United States, a 4K fund of Mai, who works on the TV platform control copy.

For Microsoft, and its coverage weeks the decision only when the majority of the Nokia 2013 mobile phone companies are not inheritable.

Microsoft's underwriting business function phone to Hon Hai Foxconn mobile unit FIH and HMD world Oi early as possible, and then announced plans to cut one of 850 jobs and take a $ 950 million charge related to the US compensation payment.

The heir to leave Microsoft's move in the absence of additional mobile devices to keep their applications. "This measure for them on a mobile phone urges many of its services on multiple devices as soon as possible."

He said Ian Fogg must be one aspect of the strategy underlying the patent agreement with the consumer XIAOMI base surface as is the United Nations agency younger demographic history has fascinated by the Microsoft product takes a United Nations agency to analyze the IHS mobile technology.


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